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The Bintje is the star potato to make fries! Known to all, this refuge potato tolerates cooking well with oil and does not darken when cooked. The Bintje is known to have good productivity and form large tubers with yellow flesh, it keeps without difficulty.
For more information about the variety, go to the advice section.
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Plant: Fairly high size, semi-erect habit, semi-deciduous type.
Stem: Medium-pigmented internodes, weakly knots
pigmented, with developed, straight and wavy wings.
Leaf: Bright green, little divided, half open; middle leaflet,
oval (I = 1, 78); Limbe plan.
Flowering: Moderately abundant.
Fruiting: Very rare.
Calibration of the bintje potato plant: Proportion of large tubers: quite high.
Susceptibility to disease: Foliage downy mildew: sensitive.
Downy mildew of the tuber: sensitive. Warty gall: sensitive.
Common scab: sensitive. Virus X: R.A.S. Virus A: resistant.
Virus Y: Sensitive. Winding: moderately sensitive.
Internal defects of the tuber: Very insensitive to stains
rust, not very sensitive to hollow core and ashen stains.
Susceptibility to germing: Moderately sensitive.
Vegetative rest: Medium.
Culinary quality: Fairly good to good resistance when cooked,
culinary group B, blackening after cooking: none, good
Frying coloring.
Dry matter content: Medium.
Suitability for preservation of the bintje seed potatoes: Medium.
Purchase potato plant on our online store POTATO PLANT.